Taste phenomenal
Be good for you
That’s it. If you just said, “Preach it!”
Umble Coffee is for you!
Taste phenomenal
Be good for you
That’s it. If you just said, “Preach it!” Umble Coffee is for you!

We love coffee and we love living healthy.
We looked around, though, and had a hard time finding fresh, great tasting coffee that was also good for you—a coffee that was so good that you wouldn’t want to add creamer and sugar to it! A coffee that was a high enough quality that it stood by itself—it didn’t need extra stuff to make it great!
So, in 2017, we decided to make that coffee, and Umble Coffee Co. was born!

We love coffee and we love living healthy.
We looked around, though, and had a hard time finding fresh, great tasting coffee that was also good for you—a coffee that was so good that you wouldn’t want to add creamer and sugar to it! A coffee that was a high enough quality that it stood by itself—it didn’t need extra stuff to make it great!
So, in 2017, we decided to make that coffee, and Umble Coffee Co. was born!
When my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, after the initial shock, my first thoughts were, how could this happen? She never smoked. She was active. She had no family history of any type of cancer. Where could this have come from?
The oncologist, a smart and compassionate friend of mine, gave her 6 months to live. 6 months.That just wouldn’t work in my schedule of life – I needed her to be there for my kids’ graduations, for holidays, to cook those classic southern meals I fondly remember. I took long jogs where other runners couldn’t see the difference in my sweat and my tears as I reflected on all of this. And, 6 months to the day, she crossed the threshold from this life to the next. Ironically, as much as it hurt over that time, we were able to say our goodbyes, our I Love You’s, our peace.
So what does this have to do with coffee? Cancer, along with heart disease, stroke, diabetes and several other health conditions partly or wholly come from inflammation and oxidation in the body. Coffee, when optimized for health like we do here at Umble, is the highest source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories in your daily diet! Study after study shows the health benefits of coffee when done the right way. Could it have prevented my mother from getting pancreatic cancer? I’ll never know, but I feel like discovering, craft roasting and delivering to you the best tasting, healthiest coffee on the planet are small things I can do to make your day (and your health) a little better!
I had the honor of selling my very first bag of coffee to my mother before she died. She was in the middle of chemo and some things, including coffee, didn’t taste good to her anymore (she used to love coffee), but she mustered up the energy to come outside for a victory ‘first sell’ picture and even wanted to drink some when we got back in the house! I don’t know who was prouder – her of my new adventure, or me that I could serve her through making a cup of coffee.
She got a bag of coffee for a dollar. I got a special memory that will stay with me always.
…So…as we move forward, what do you get? Simple. You get my pledge to discover, craft roast, and deliver to you the healthiest coffee imaginable! It was my honor to serve my mom and it’s my honor to serve you! Together, we can take coffee to the next level!
I’m a physician who is passionate about health and coffee—and not just any coffee, but the kind of coffee that’s going to taste fantastic and give you the health benefits I know coffee can offer.
I started Umble Coffee Co. to be the leader in great tasting, healthy coffee to fuel not only athletes but weekend warriors (like myself), soccer moms, grandparents, and really anyone else out there looking to live a better life through what we put in our bodies. If we all really love coffee like I believe we do, then why not demand better?
Umble Coffee Co. is for individuals and businesses who want to go from good to better for themselves or their customers. We acquire the highest quality arabica speciality coffee beans from all over the world, roast them to perfection, and ship them out to you or your business so that you too can see what real, fresh, high quality coffee tastes like and how good it can be for the health of you or your customers!
I challenge you to not only try it, but ask for it everywhere—your local coffee shop, grocer, etc. You should have great tasting, healthy coffee options and that’s what Umble is all about!
Kenneth Thomas, M.D.
Founder and Head Roaster